Where’s my parade?

And in other news, according to the Newsbriefs sent to me by ATA, today, September 30, is International Translation Day.

Well, color me uninformed, because I did not know about it. Now there are only 2 hrs left into my special day.

You know how I celebrated? I just spent an unhealthy amount of time converting hard copies of invoices into PDF documents. Some people get parades, some people get mentions in the paper, I get work.

If your celebration was more entertaining that mine, share in the comments.


7 Responses to “Where’s my parade?”

  1. Ismael Pardo Says:

    Hi there!
    I found your blog googling ‘translation’ and I arrived over here. My celebration wasn’t good either – lessons hadn’t even started then. By the way, my name is Ismael Pardo, and I’m studying Translation and Interpreting. I’m so rude, because I didn’t introduce myself. Anyway, I hope to know more about you. But it’s so bad because I can’t follow you by my blog, because it’s on Blogspot, and you’re on WordPress.

    How is the life of a translator? Thank you very much for your collaboration. It’d be great if you replied me.

    Best wishes xx

  2. Eva Says:

    Hola a todos. Sólo quería comentarles que acabo de realizar un curso de traducción estupendo y estoy dando mis primeros pasos en el mundillo.
    Aún me queda mucho por aprender, pero estoy ansiosa por hacerlo.


  3. lamagiadelatraduccion Says:

    Suerte colegas, si queréis leer más sobre la traducción y todo que tiene ser un traductor, a lo mejor queréis leer mi blog la magia de la traduccion. Por cierto, este blog ya no existe?

  4. Jo-Hanna Says:

    Sí existe, mi amigo.. No he podido postear recientemente, pero no ha dejado de existir, y yo tampoco.

  5. lamagiadelatraduccion Says:

    Pues mucho mejor! Era simpatico… Bueno espero que las cosas vayan bien, que hayas dejado de escribir significa que has tenido mucha faena, y eso es bueno…

  6. Translator Says:

    Gracias! Es muy interesante

  7. Russiantranslator Says:

    Jo-Hanna, what a nice idea about parade on International Translation Day! It could be some kind of an online parade 🙂

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