Archive for May, 2010

No Major Group Project

May 28, 2010

Hello again!

What exactly kept me from posting since February?

Jo-Hanna shows off her cast

OK, so this was not the only thing, but it is the only one that spawned off a nice picture. I broke my arm on March 22, needing a week in a splint,  4 weeks in a cast, and a few weeks of 2 sessions of physical therapy per weeks. As of my last appointment, my fracture has healed nicely, even though certain motions still hurt.

I went back to my day job and tried to do my job to the best of my ability. My office attire that first week got me compliments. This was rather surprising because I could barely dress myself. Anything involving buttons was a no-no. I ended up wearing skirts and dresses.

Of course, the best of my ability wasn’t much that first week back. In normal circumstances, I can type about 60ish words per minute without looking at the keyboard. How well do you think I did? It took me about two weeks to be able to use my left hand while typing, and I had to use Sticky Keys, a feature in Windows that keeps the Shift key down so capital letters can be typed.  Other tasks that gave me trouble: sorting files, taking notes while somebody spoke to me on the phone.

During the splint week, while I was waiting for the swelling to go down, I was approached about another version of the Major Group Project, which inspired several entries last year. Unfortunately, I knew I could not do the work at the speed required, so I had to decline that rather interesting (and lucrative!)  assignment.  I was able to take an interpreting assignment and was relieved about being able to do my job AND dressing myself in the lucky Pantsuit of Justice.

An now I am off the disabled list.  And I am ready for whatever comes. Bring it on, world!

But no more broken bones, mmmkay?